If not dealt with properly noise at work can cause noise induced hearing loss in workers and cost businesses unnecessary claims. A health and safety professionals' priority is to make sure everyone goes home safe, as such there are often much more imminent issues so even in the most compliant organisations noise is not always done well or given the time it needs. Too often costly hearing protection and health surveillance is prescribed when it could be stopped at source. Comm-Safe as noise specialists can handle it all for you.
Comm-Safe - Phone: 01224 043598 Email: info@comm-safe.com
What was acceptable yesterday may not be today. Occupational noise is rarely a static hazard and as things change, plant and people are moved, walls are put up, overtime and night shifts change, materials changed even as a machine ages it may become a larger source of noise. Any change can impact noise, it may mean a need to introduce controls or it may be a opportunity to save on existing controls if decreased. Some noise risk assessments being used are years old and were conducted by a predecessors, predecessor and may now be irrelevant. Instead of reinventing, we can audit what you have and suggest actions if any are required.
We wont just produce a report 100's of pages long and leave you wondering what to do next. We do noise properly starting by understanding how your facility, shifts and workers operate. Then fully informed we can conduct a noise survey and dosimetry focusing on what is relevant. Once we have measurements we can look at what your workforce are exposed to and importantly the source of it. We wont cover up the problem with protection, with experience in how machinery works we will try to stop it at source as or engineer out the risk before suggesting costly protection and health surveillance saving you money.
Its not enough to just provide hearing protection, you are obligated to train how, where and when to use it. Often users fit PPE incorrectly leaving them with almost no protection. This may damage hearing and defeats its purpose. Everyone is ergonomically different some protection fits some better than others this is why we face fit test and it shouldn't be assumed that one size fits all for hearing protection either. We provide signage to cover where and when and train and document to make sure users know how. We can validate some solutions to make sure that product fits and protects that user adequately.
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