Most products in the main stream simply protect hearing. We specialise in innovative solutions that bring much greater benefits than just protection. Some have a more consistent fit giving piece of mind. Others bring safe entertainment with a volume limited FM radio and others protect your hearing without isolation allowing the user to hear everything safely, all options in their own way have potential to save a business cost, improve comfort and user acceptability, all of which may increase wear time, compliance and in turn safety.
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Companies can spend £1000's on disposable hearing protection. Single use solutions have their benefits but cost is not one. At a few pennies they seem cheap but consider the numbers used per worker, per day, the wastage and cost quickly stacks up. Often they give an inconsistent fit leaving the user with little to no protection and can be uncomfortable reducing wear time. We offer innovative solutions that can improve the consistency of fit, comfort and in turn the compliance and protection achieved. Some have technology that improves speech intelligibility or utilise electronics to overcome isolation, to name a few.
By its nature hearing protection generally isolates the user from their environment including warning signals, alarms and other sounds needed to stay safe but this doesn't have to be the case. Ear defenders can do so much more than just protect hearing. We supply ear defenders that allow the user to hear everything they need to be safe, at a safe level while still protecting the wearer, overcoming isolation associated with hearing protection. We have many options including devices encompassing bluetooth for hands free phone connection, FM radio for entertainment, two way radio for communication and much more.
Its not enough to just provide hearing protection, you are obligated to train how, where and when to use it. Often users fit PPE incorrectly leaving them with almost no protection. This may damage hearing and defeats its purpose. Everyone is ergonomically different some protection fits some better than others this is why we face fit test and it shouldn't be assumed that one size fits all for hearing protection either. We provide signage to cover where and when and train and document to make sure users know how. We can validate some solutions to make sure that product fits and protects that user adequately.
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